We want to make learning and growing in your faith as accessible as possible, so we are offering the studies listed below. All studies and classes at Trinity UMC are FREE unless otherwise specified in the description. If you are interested in starting a bible study or hosting a class please contact the church office. 

  • griefshare

    Thursday @ 10 a.m.



    No matter what the circumstances, grief recovery is a painful process. This 13-week grief support group program focuses on essential grief topics associated with the death of a loved one. The weekly videos feature nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories of people, and the video is followed by a small group discussion about what was viewed. Past participants have related how helpful the information and follow-up discussions were to them. Your bereavement experience may be recent or not so recent. You will find encouragement, comfort, and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family member, or friend. No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand your feelings.


    Wednesdays @ 9:00 a.m. 

    Building C Room 102

    This Women’s Bible Study is a place for women of all ages (college and older), from different seasons of life and in different circumstances, to grow in their relationship with Christ. It is also a gathering that cultivates authentic relationships with other women while growing together through various studies. 

  • United Methodist Men's Bible Study

    Thursdays @ 7:00 a.m.

    Building C Memorial Fellowship Hall

    The United Methodist Men's mission is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ. partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church.

    This group is open to men of all ages (college and older). The group picks a book of the Bible and reads it straight through.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...