Your support enables us to do ministry and support the mission that we are called to. Miracles characterized Jesus’ ministry and set Him apart from everyone who claimed to be powerful. the Holy Spirit works in and through us to be miracles for others. here is a glimpse of the miracles Jesus has been able to do because of you through Trinity.
the work
The why
We give out of thanks for what God has done. It is a sign of trust and our commitment to being a part of the good things that God is continuing to do in our world. Whether it is 1 hour or $1.00 a week, your gift is enough.
the how
We hope that you'll join us in experiencing the miracles that God gives us through our giving. Your commitment help us prepare for the coming year. They allow us to set priorities to have an effective impact in making disciples of Jesus Christ and offering healing, help, and hope in his name.