
If you're interested in having your wedding at our church, we would be thrilled to host it! We understand that planning a wedding can be both exciting and stressful, and we are committed to walking with you through the entire process leading up to your special day.

To start, we recommend reviewing our wedding guidelines, which are available for both members and non-members. Once you're ready to move forward, simply fill out our Wedding Application and return it to our Communications & Operations Coordinator. We look forward to working with you to make your wedding day unforgettable!



Frequently Asked Questions

How many people can we accomodate?

The Sanctuary has a capacity of 350; the capacity of the Memorial Fellowship Hall is 450; the capacity of the Dean Fellowship Hall is 200.

What dates are available in the month I'm considering?

Weddings and rehearsals may not be scheduled on Sundays or the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Holy Week (Easter), Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.

Holiday weekends should be avoided due to the non-availability of staff. It is understood that planned activities will not be changed to accommodate weddings and rehearsals.

Is the premarriage counseling?

The Senior Minister requires at least three premarital counseling sessions with both the bride and the groom in attendance.

Have Questions?

Contact us! 

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