RightNow Media

We are excited to share that our church now has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media! It’s like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want—on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

We’re always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals—all aimed at helping you grow right at your fingertips! The best part is you can access this tool from your phone, computer, or smart TV!

Click the "RightNow Media" button, and you will be redirected to set up a profile and gain access to the online video library!

RightNow Media Access

Studies to Get You Started!

Pastor's Recs

Read Scripture Series

by Tim Mackie

We want to help you read the Bible without getting lost or giving up. This series has a video for every book of the Bible that outlines its literary design and main ideas, showing you how it fits into the entire biblical story.

Read Scripture Series

Bible Unearthed

by Dave Stotts

This 12-part series explores the history, importance, and impact of archaeology and how discoveries help us better understand the ancient world. Get ready to unpack the world of archaeology in the Holy Land.

Bible Unearthed

Adult Recs

Intentional Parenting

by Doug & Cathy Fields

To be an exceptional parent, you need to be an intentional parent. But, don’t worry! You’re not alone, Doug and Cathy are here to help. They’re veteran parents who can help you move from Quick-Fix Parenting to Intentional Parenting.

Intentional Parenting

Redeeming Your Time

by Jordan Raynor

In this four-session series, bestselling author Jordan Raynor discusses seven principles, rooted in the example of Jesus, that will help us use the time we have in the best way.

Redeeming Your Time

Student Recs

Reckless Love

by Bob Goff

Follow the adventures of Bob Goff, Greg Boyd, Mo Isom, and Karen McKinney as they seek one thing - Reckless Love. This fun and inspiring 4-episode video series asks the big questions while encouraging you to recklessly live out your faith.

Reckless Love

Fire & Faithfulness

by Sadie Robertson Huff

In this four-session series with Sadie Robertson Huff, discover the lost art of faithfulness in the face of a world that wants nothing to do with God. Trek through the story of four young Israelites who, when ripped from their homes, faced a choice: remain faithful followers in a foreign land, or bow before an empire that hated God.

Fire & Faithfulness

Kids Recs

Stories from the Storytellers

by RightNow Media

Join the Evans family as Jonathan leverages the ministry of Jesus to teach life lessons to his five children (ages 3-13) through everyday activities and family adventures. Seemingly normal activities turn into hysterical adventures and epic teachable moments.


Old Testament Heroes

by Jelly Telly Devotionals

We can learn so much from the heroes of the Bible! Some of them are unlikely heroes—ordinary people who God uses in extraordinary ways to move forward his great plan. This video devotional plan will uncover some of your favorite Bible characters and encourage you to see how God worked through them—and think about how God is working through you!

Old Testament Heroes